Saturday, March 29, 2008

Thing 21: Beyond MySpace: other social networks

Thing 21:
I joined Gather and Web Junction just to check them out - but I don't know how much time I will be able to devote to them.
1. (Read articles) ~ Thanks Nan for the proper link to the first article!
2. (Join Ning group and do at least 2 items on list) ~ I have finally been successful!!! It took me the last 25 minutes to get my ning badge onto my blogspot, as you can see in the post right above this one - I have finally gotten it in there! Wow!
I have gotten all signed up for the 23 Things on a Stick Ning. I uploaded my photo and as I said I have gotten the badge onto my blog, my two items on the list. I feel that my day is now complete!
3. (find another social network of interest) ~ I looked at many of the choices and have decided that 43 Things is too many and I already make too many lists for this to be a site for me. I did like GoodReads, but I have already commited to Library Thing and simply can't do both. I also checked out the Whats on my bookshelf, but decided that the founder looks younger than my son and seriously - I don't have any desire to trade my books. Shelfari seems the most interesting to me - I love the want spot, I haven't found that at Library Thing yet (I am not saying it's not there, just that I haven't found it). I talked to a woman on Monday who uses Shelfari and loves it, but like I said - I already have Library Thing.

I found it! I have joined the YA Lit in School Libraries Ning too!

Text Break!

Just a quick text break - don't want anyone thinking that my blog is too boring! Oh - and I love image chef! I also wanted to add my thought that social networking - MySpace, FaceBook, and such - although not always used positively - are a great way to connect with today's teens.

Thing 20!!! Social Networking

A. Well - I never thought that I would be a member of facebook, but now I am. I joined and invited four people to be my friends, but have not heard back yet - we will see. I didn't put a lot of information in my profile because I work at a high school and so many of the students there are also members of facebook. I don't feel like sharing too much info with too many people and I really don't know how all this friends of friends business works just yet.

I joined FreeRice as my group. Then I started a group for 23 Things on a Stick because I couldn't find one for us. I hope that others find it when they get to thing 20 or that people who have finished see it when they check their facebook accounts. Presently, I am the only member of the group and I had no picture to add. I was thinking that I would add the logo from the postcard, but wasn't sure if I had permission to do so and didn't want to check the "I'm allowed..." box when I uploaded if I wasn't allowed.

I have been chatting with my co-worker, who is also doing 23 things - but has finished, and we were thinking about setting up a facebook for the Media Center where we work, but it is currently not allowed at our school. The posting and such would have to be done by us at our homes - but I am wondering if the students would find it appealing. Any comments from the rest of you 23 Thingers?

B. MySpace: Okay, I have signed up for a MySpace too. I decided I would sign up for both and then I could compare them to see which I liked better. So far, I find that MySpace bogs where FaceBook did not. I have sent two requests for people to let me be their friends and I signed up for the Library Lovers group. I didn't find a 23 Things group on MySpace either, but I didn't make one. I am attempting to check out the public library spaces, but am running into a lot of unexpected hang time with the internet - perhaps it is my computer and the fact that I have 5 windows open. We will see how it all plays. I have found a lot of library related groups, but searching for library or libraries brings up so many groups, but I haven't found an actual public library myspace yet. I have signed up for many groups now and so I will go from the link on the 23 Things page instead of searching. I do see a dramatic lag/bog/hang time on MySpace that I didn't experience with FaceBook.

I am excited about the things I am seeing when checking out the library spaces! Wow! So teen oriented! I need to spend some time figuring out how to get that kind of thing set up or how to get my current Reading Club webpage looking that exciting!

Thing 19: Podcasts

Podcasting: yet another technology tool that before 23 Things I had not experienced. I am really not as technologically challenged as I appear from these blogs - I just have never spent so much time learning about the internet before.
I like the podcasting idea. I honestly don't have the kind of time I would like to have to listen to all of the podcasts that I have found that sound interesting. So many of them are lengthy and I can't devote the 50+ minutes of my day to listening to the whole thing.
I do believe that I will be able to listen to parts of the podcasts that I have added to my blogspot.

I added KatieCasts, Booklust by Nancy Pearl, and Nancy Pearl Book Reviews, and Book Voyages to my and to my bloglines. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to listen to Nancy Pearl because I on Monday I am attending a seminar where she is the keynote speaker.

I did set up an account on gcast so I could make my own podcasts, but as yet have not actually made one. I would like to try it, I just don't know that I have anything too profound to share today.