It's Friday - last Friday I got my post together and didn't get a chance to hop or follow - so this Friday I am starting earlier - it is only barely Friday - just 20 past midnight and so I am hoppin' now and hope to hop again late Friday night, early Saturday morning! Hope you are all getting the chance to hop too!
Crazy For Books hosts the Book Blogger Hop and Parajunkee hosts the Friday Follow!
I am hoping to start posting all my reviews on Saturday - so check back and see what I have been reading!

This week the question is: How many books do you have on your TBR?
The answer to that question is so far out my my ability to answer that it shouldn't even be funny, but it is. I remember a time when I had a TBR stack or pile. Now I have shelves, piles, stacks, lists, boxes, and I am so far behind in reading all the books I want to read that I fear I will never catch up. I am sure that if I quit buying and borrowing books, blogging, working, cooking, cleaning, eating, sleeping, and having any kind of social interaction with humans - I could finish reading all the books that I have in my TBR mountain in the next say three/four years. Of course I could be wrong. I hope your stack isn't like that too.