Teachers, Librarians, and Parents Use Faery Swap to get kids excited about reading and math!
 Reaching middle grade readers is tough, especially with indie works. In the book, Faery Swap, warrior faeries steal mathematical knowledge from humans to enhance their magickal faery powers. Susan is passionate about this message - that knowledge is power and math is magick - so she created a Virtual Author Visit, activities, and a card-based game, so any teacher, anywhere on the planet, could share this message with their s tudents.
2 minute trailer

9 minute Virtual Author Visit Video
This dynamic video brings Author and Rocket Scientist Susan Kaye Quinn (Ph.D. Engineering) into your classroom, sharing her background in science and engineering, talking about her book, then showing how humans use math in the real world to do amazing things... even without magick to help them.
PLUS it's Middle Grade Week on her blog, with lots of Middle Grade Book giveaways! ENTER HERE
Always keep learning... just in case!

Susan Kaye Quinn is the author of the bestselling Mindjack Trilogy, which is young adult science fiction, and several adult fiction stories. Faery Swap is her foray into middle grade, which is her first writing love. Her business card says "Author and Rocket Scientist" and she always has more speculative fiction fun in the works. You can subscribe to her newsletter (hint: new subscribers get a free short story!) to see what she's up to.