2011 rang in with high hopes, lots of optimism and some giant crazy addiction to reading challenges!
I signed up for 20 + reading challenges ~ this is how it worked out:
I signed up for 20 + reading challenges ~ this is how it worked out:
The Vampire Reading Challenge ~ hosted by Parajunkee's View:
My goal: 20 books
read: 21 books
Paranormal Romance Reading Challenge ~ hosted by Bitten by Paranormal Romance:
My goal: 20 books
read: 21 books
Shifter Reading Challenge ~ hosted by Parajunkee's View:
My goal: 20 books
read: 17 books
Failed - - - but oh so close!
Fantasy Reading Challenge ~ hosted by Darlyn and books:
My goal: 6 books
read: 9 books
Kick Ass Heroine Reading Challenge ~ hosted by Diva's Bookcase:
My goal: 12 books
read: 16 books
2011 Debut Author Reading Challenge ~ hosted by The Story Siren:
My goal: 12 books
read: 12 books
Steampunk Reading Challenge ~ hosted at www.rikkidonovan.com :
My goal: 10 books
read: 10 books
The 2011 Awesome Author Challenge ~ hosted by At Home with Books:
My goal: 6-10 books
read: 8 books
2011 YA Reading Challenge ~ hosted by Jamie Loves YA:
My goal: 20 books
read: 23 books
2011 A - Z Reading Challenge ~ hosted by Book Junky:
My goal: 26 books (obviously)
read: 20 :(
(almost though)
2011 New Authors Reading Challenge ~ hosted by Literary Escapism:
My goal: 15 books
read: 25 books
2011 Lords of the Underworld Reading Challenge ~ hosted by Reading with Tequila:
My goal: 8 books
read: 1 book
FAILED miserably at this one:(
(I did buy the entire series though - so I will still get them read!)
2011 E-Book Reading Challenge ~ hosted by The Lady Bug Reads:
My goal: 20 books
read: 100+ books!
2011 Book Blogger Recommendation Challenge ~ by Reading with Tequila
My Goal: 20 books
Read: 4 books
2011 To Be Read Challenge ~ hosted by Roof Beam Reader
My Goal: 12 books
Read: 2 books
100 Books in a Year Reading Challenge 2011 ~ hosted by Book Chick City
100+ Reading Challenge ~ hosted by My Overstuffed Book Shelf
My Goal: 100+ books
Read: 148 books SUCCESSFUL!!!
2011 Summer Romance Challenge ~ hosted by Book Chick City
My Goal: 8 books
Read: 33 books
Sizzling Summer Romance Challenge ~ hosted by Secrets of a Book Lover and Reading Between the Wines
My Goal: 10 books
Read: 29 books
The Christmas Spirit Reading Challenge ~ hosted by True Book Addict
My Goal: 2-4 books
Read: 4 books

Holiday Reading Challenge 2011 ~ hosted by Book Lovers Inc.
My Goal: 4-6 books
Read: 4 books
2011 Reward Challenge ~ hosted by Good Golly, Miss Holly
My Goal: 5 books
Read: 5 books
My Goal: 20 books
Read: 4 books
2011 To Be Read Challenge ~ hosted by Roof Beam Reader
My Goal: 12 books
Read: 2 books

100+ Reading Challenge ~ hosted by My Overstuffed Book Shelf
My Goal: 100+ books
Read: 148 books SUCCESSFUL!!!
2011 Summer Romance Challenge ~ hosted by Book Chick City
My Goal: 8 books
Read: 33 books
Sizzling Summer Romance Challenge ~ hosted by Secrets of a Book Lover and Reading Between the Wines
My Goal: 10 books
Read: 29 books
The Christmas Spirit Reading Challenge ~ hosted by True Book Addict
My Goal: 2-4 books
Read: 4 books

Holiday Reading Challenge 2011 ~ hosted by Book Lovers Inc.
My Goal: 4-6 books
Read: 4 books
2011 Reward Challenge ~ hosted by Good Golly, Miss Holly
My Goal: 5 books
Read: 5 books
Thanks to all my faithful followers for sticking by me all year!
My goal for 2012...no more than five challenges! We shall see!
Happy Reading!