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Welcome to The Wormhole and my stop on the tour.
It is my pleasure to feature:
Joseph Badal and The Lone Wolf Agenda.
Joseph Badal worked for thirty-eight years in the banking and financial services industries, most recently serving as a senior executive and board member of a NYSE-listed mortgage REIT. He is currently President of Joseph Badal and Associates, Inc., a management consulting firm.
Prior to his finance career, Joe served for six years as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army in critical, highly classified positions in the U.S. and overseas, including tours of duty in Greece and Vietnam. He earned numerous military decorations.
He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in International Finance (Temple University) and Business Administration (University of New Mexico). He graduated from the Defense Language Institute, West Coast, and from Stanford University Law School’s Director College.
Joe serves on the boards of Sacred Wind Communications and New Mexico Mutual Insurance, and is Chairman and President of The New Mexico Small Business Investment Corporation.
Joe has had five suspense novels published, including Shell Game, which was released in 2012. His next novel, The Lone Wolf Agenda, will be released in June. He writes a blog titled Everyday Heroes. His first short story, Fire and Ice, was included in an anthology titled Uncommon Assassins, in 2012.
Joe has written dozens of articles that have been published in various business and trade journals, and is a frequent speaker at national business and writers’ events.

“The Lone Wolf Agenda” pairs Danforth with his son Michael, a senior DELTA Force officer, as they combat an OPEC-supported terrorist group allied with a Mexican drug cartel. This story is an epic adventure that will chill readers as they discover that nothing, no matter how diabolical, is impossible.
My thoughts:
It has been a long while since I read an international espionage story. This is the fourth book in the Danforth Saga, and my first Danforth read. It took me awhile to get into it, but it was worth it. I felt it could easily stand alone, but I am sure that I would have enjoyed it more if I had read the whole saga from the start.
Joseph Badal has captured the horror of terrorism in a chilling tale that makes the reader wonder and worry. Who can you trust? Are people really who and what you think they are?
The characters are well written and easy to invest in. The plot is clever, realistic and frightening; made up of detailed research and carefully woven threads. The politics within the story are interesting on a variety of levels, and between the characters as much as the story on the whole. I was pleased to find the acronym index in the front of the book and found myself referring to it many times. The story is nicely paced and suspenseful.