Friday, June 11, 2010

It's Friday! Let's Hop!!!

The Friday Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jen at  Hop on over and get signed up!

Review: Touch the Dark by Karen Chance

Touch the Dark: Cassandra Palmer Book 1  by Karen Chance -
Back cover blurb:  Cassandra Palmer can see the future and communicate with spirits - talents that make her attractive to the dead and the undead.  The ghosts of the dead aren't usually dangerous; they just like to talk...a lot.  The Undead are another matter.  Like any sensible girl, Cassie tires to avoid vampires.  But when the bloodsucking mafioso she escaped from three years ago finds Cassie again with vengeance on his mind, she is forced to turn to the vampire Senate for protection.  The undead senators won't help her for nothing, and Cassie finds herself working with one of their most powerful members, a dangerously seductive master vampire - and the price he demands may be more than Cassie is willing to pay...
My thoughts:  Why I chose this book, what I liked about it, and what I didn't like.
     I tend to be a cover shopper - sad as that sounds.  I tend to walk through the bookstore looking at covers, when I see something that catches my eye  - I pick it up and read the blurb, then if I like the blurb I buy it.  I do also shop by author, and now that I am a blogger - of course I have more and more book ideas every day!
     This was a fast, one day read.  Tomas and Mircea were my favorite characters, and Cassie of course.  The character descriptions are great.  The author portrays a different vampire world than I have seen in most stories.  Virtually everything about them is different is some way - from feeding to appearance.  The idea of the vampire mob being after Cassie makes for interesting twists, for they are not the only ones after her.  The twists continue in all aspects of the book, the tangle of relationships the most.  Cassie is forced to make decisions about her life and her future based on the information she is given by all sides, not knowing what the truth is. 
     Overall, I enjoyed the book - like I said, one day read!  I found it abundant in details at some points and realized a few times that I was skimming to get to what I wanted to know.    The end sets us up for the next book (but so does the title - Cassandra Palmer Book 1).