I have just finished my own Shelly Laurenston marathon- The Pride series (four books) in three days. I read Mane Event, Beast in Him, Mane Attraction, and Mane Squeeze between July 25 and last night.
Before that I read The Gathering Book 1: Hunting Season also by Shelly Laurenston - - which started my marathon because I enjoyed it so much.

Before the marathon - I read Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. This one has been on my TBR for quite some time and I finally got around to reading it. I truly enjoyed the story and can't wait to read more in the series. I just grabbed Ink Exchange as my next paper book read. (My Shelly Laurenston marathon was all read on the Kindle).

So - I see a theme here - I will have to start varying my reading a little bit or I am sure to start wondering why my relationship isn't "perfect."