Blood Rites by Quinn Loftis
Amazon Product Description:
With the challenge complete and the corrupt Alpha of Coldspring defeated Fane is now free to complete the mate bond with Jacque and perform the Blood Rites. Although the challenge is done, the affects are far reaching. Once it is known that Vasile one of the strongest Alphas in the world is in America, specifically Coldspring, TX, there is one Alpha who cannot over look the significance of this. An Alpha who happens to share Jacque's DNA, but is this the one she needs to fear?
With her mom driving and her two best friends, Jen and Sally in tow, Jacque set off for her happily ever after. She will soon realize a plan has been put in motion that will change her course and possibly tear her from Fane's grasp forever. It will take a wolf pack, her mother's love, her two best friend's unrelenting determination, her own will to survive and the undying love of her mate to bring her home. The question remains, if she fights, if she endures, who will she be, what will be left once she is back in her mates arms?
My thoughts:
This was my first book by Quinn Loftis. I was thrilled! I have already gone and gotten Prince of Wolves and absolutely cannot wait for the next book, Just One Drop, which is sure to be Jen and Decebel's story! That is sure to be a wild ride!
So...about this book:
The characters are wonderful. Each has a fantastic and well developed personality. They seem to embody the very ideas of family, friendship, and loyalty. At times I had a hard time putting these personalities into teenagers, but loved them just the same. I was fascinated by the 3 musketeers-type relationship between Jen, Sally and Jac - three women that get along is rare and it was fun to be a part of it while reading the story. The men in the book are incredible - even the bad guys!
One of my favorite parts of shifter stories is the bond/soul mate idea. I love the dedication and give all that we see in bonded pairs. Alina (Fane's mother) tells Jen about the bond on page 145/146 and it is amazingly written! The last sentence goes like this,
"She gets a friend, a lover, a mate, the only man in this world who can complete her and give her the other half of her soul."
I can't imagine that kind of total devotion - although the thought of someone being able to read my mind at any given time is terrifying!
The story is a well paced emotional roller coaster and the plot keeps you on the edge of your seat. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough for my liking, but was so into the story that skimming to get to the next page faster was absolutely NOT an option!
If you enjoy shifter stories, or if you have even wanted to read a shifter story to see if you would like them - DO NOT miss this one!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Blog Tour: The Last Awakening by Rachel Firasek (Giveaway too!)
Click HERE to get to Entangled Publishing!
Welcome to The Wormhole and my day on the tour!
It is with great pleasure that I introduce Rachel Firasek and The Last Awakening!
Rachel Firasek grew up in the south and despite the gentle pace, she harassed life at full steam. Her curiosity about mythology, human nature, and the chemical imbalance we call love led her to writing. Her stories began with macabre war poems and shifted to enchanted fairytales, before she settled on a blending of the two.
Today you’ll find her tucked on a small parcel of land, surrounded by bleating sheep and barking dogs, with her husband and children. She entertains them all with her wacky sense of humor or animated reenactments of bad 80’s dance moves.
She’s intrigued by anything unexplained and seeks the answers to this crazy thing we call life. You can find her where the heart twists the soul and lights the shadows… or at .
For three hundred years, Arabella’s life has been one meaningless death after another. In a cruel twist of fate, Osiris gifts the phoenix her mortality and long-gone voodoo magic with a warning that she must save her next soul within a week without using magic, or she’ll lose her power forever. Ex-soldier Greyson Meadows desperately wants to be freed from the nightmares and guilt that haunt him. Confronted by a waif of a woman who forces him to face the truth about his past, he runs fast and hard, fighting the need to prove himself worthy despite his perceived failures. When Ari becomes the target of her own magical blunder, the weak will find strength and the strong will fall. One will have to give up everything so the other can have peace, but will love’s magic withstand the loss?
Title: The Last Awakening
(Curse of the Phoenix, #2)
Author: Rachel Firasek
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Length: Novella
Book 3 coming January 2012!
Author: Rachel Firasek
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Length: Novella
Book 3 coming January 2012!
Book Description:
For your reading excerpt:
Grey propped himself against the inside of the door. He’d given her a few minutes alone after work while he grabbed his bag from his car. In fact, he’d spent at least a good ten convincing himself he could do this. Now, he wasn’t so sure, but he would still fix her door before he left. Damn woman hadn’t even locked it. He’d knocked twice and stepped inside when she didn’t respond.
No answer.
He’d wait. Through the paper-thin wall he listened to the shower and then the light patter of dainty feet running across her room. This really was the worst apartment he’d ever seen. Worse than some of the military tents he’d lived in.
He sat his bag beside him and tapped his fingers along the door. Any day now. Her bedroom door flew open, and she rushed out. He’d imagined her in silk pajamas with beaded nipples teasing him and begging for his taste—not the sweatshirt or the flannel bottoms. They weren’t bad either and actually may have added to her
appeal—there was something highly erotic about wondering what was beneath.
She sagged a little and dropped a hand across her chest. The smile she’d met him with slipped. “What?”
“You’re beautiful.” Damn, if he didn’t stop putting his foot in his mouth.
She blushed, painting her cheeks with the prettiest shade of pink before she ducked away from him. “What’s in the bag?”
“You need more protection.” He pulled out his wallet and fumbled through the slots for a business card. She leaned in closer and stood on tiptoe, watching his every move. “Nosy?”
When he handed her the card, she frowned.
“What did you think this was?” he asked.
She didn’t answer, but her pink cheeks shouted it loud and clear.
“Did you think I was going for a condom?”
She turned away, sank down onto her sofa, and pouted.
Surely she didn’t think…nah, no way could she want…He burst into a fit of laughter. Christ, how long had it been since he’d laughed? Really laughed? She was feisty as hell. He wanted more than anything to snatch her up and carry her to her creaky bed and let Mike—and whoever else wanted to—listen through her walls as he connected with her in the basest of ways. But first, they had things to get out in the open.
“Don’t laugh at me.”
He chuckled harder and moved closer to her. “I’m sorry to disappoint you. I brought some locks over. Before I leave, I’ll install them.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to.”
She sputtered. Her eyes sparked for a moment, and when she blinked a soft cloud covered the amber. Shit. Smoke floated across her eyes like something straight out of a B movie. He shook his head and pinched the tender skin above his brow. Damn hallucinations. He thought he was past them. “Are you okay?”
“You laugh at me and then want to know if I’m okay? Really?”
“Your eyes. I thought I…never mind.” Shut up, man, before you show her what a fucking freak you are.
Ari spun away from him. She gathered deep breaths, stretching the muscles in her back tight. “I’ll be in my room while you do whatever it is you’re going to do. Come get me when you’re done and can remember your manners, s’il vous plait.”
She didn’t stop for him. Damn, he’d been an ass. Exactly what he said he wasn’t going to do. His plan had been to fix her door. Maybe have a beer with her. Find out how she was dealing with what happened, and possibly share some of his sorrow. But he’d think twice about the drink if he was going to start seeing shit. He’d had all the flashbacks he wanted in a lifetime, but to actually start hallucinating was too much. The alcohol was screwing with his head. Might be time to cut back.
He installed the new deadbolts and loaded his tools. The bedroom door remained shut, but the light peeked from beneath it. He crossed to knock softly on the thin wood. “Ari?”
No answer.
“I’m done. I’ll let myself out…come lock up after me.”
Yeah, he’d screwed up and he’d be lucky if the one person he could connect with, who’d understand, ever talked to him again.
blog tour
Happy New Year 2012 Giveaway Hop!
This giveaway is hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and Babs Book Bistro.
You can get to the entire Giveaway Hop Linky by clicking HERE.
I am stop # 24 - stop #23 is: ~Pandora Poikilos - Peace from Pieces (Int)
and stop #25 is: Curling Up By The Fire (Int)
The prize here at The Wormhole is any ONE book = $10.00 or less.
The giveaway is International as long as The Book Despository ships free to your location.
Rules: You must be a follower of The Wormhole and fill out this form completely.
Good luck to all and Happy Reading!
giveaway hop
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Blog Tour: Blood Rites by Quinn Loftis (Giveaway too!!!)
This virtual book tour is presented by Bewitching Book Tours.
You can see the entire tour schedule by clicking HERE.
You can buy your own copy by clicking HERE.
You can enter to WIN an ecopy of this great book by filling out the form at the end of this post.
Welcome to The Wormhole and my day on the tour!
I am pleased to bring you: Blood Rites and Quinn Loftis.
Blood Rites
By Quinn Loftis
Genre: Paranormal YA
With the challenge complete and the corrupt Alpha of Coldspring defeated Fane is now free to complete the mate bond with Jacque and perform the Blood Rites. Although the challenge is done, the affects are far reaching. Once it is known that Vasile, one of the strongest Alphas in the world, is in America , specifically Coldspring , TX , there is one Alpha who cannot over look the significance of this.
An Alpha who happens to share Jacque's DNA, but is this the one she needs to fear?
With her mom driving and her two best friends, Jen and Sally in tow, Jacque set off for her happily ever after. She will soon realize a plan has been put in motion that will change her course and possibly tear her from Fane's grasp forever. It will take a wolf pack, her mother's love, her two best friend's unrelenting determination, her own will to survive and the undying love of her mate to bring her home. The question remains, if she fights, if she endures, who will she be, what will be left once she is back in her mates arms?
Thanks for stopping by The Wormhole! Happy Reading!
blog tour
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Review: Hellsbane (Book One) by Paige Cuccaro
Hellsbane (Book One) by Paige Cuccaro
Amazon Product Description:
Amazon Product Description:
Emma Jane Hellsbane always knew she was different, but she had no idea she wasn't even human. Well, at least she's half-human. She's half-fallen angel, too, and now dear ol' dad wants her dead. All the Fallen angels want all their troublesome offspring removed from the mortal coil so she's trying not to take it personally. Besides, she wants him dead just as much. Her father's death is the only way she'll be forgiven for his sin, stop those pesky demons from trying to hack off her head, and have any hope at all of getting back to a normal life as a wicked slick Intuitive Consciousness Explorer.
Of course, first she'll have to figure out which fallen angel is her father, avoid accidentally seducing her angelic mentor, help an old friend conquer his own fallen sperm donor, and basically save the world from a cataclysmic divine smack down.
No problem. With a last name like Hellsbane, Emma Jane was definitely born for the job.
My thoughts:
This is a entertaining story! Fallen angels, demon hunting half-angels, what more could you ask for! Add in a little high school crush and the fate of the human race - you've got an idea of what to expect from this one! Paige Cuccaro has given us: Fantastic characters, a realistic setting, an original spin on "new" religion and the idea of angels. I LOVE Emma!
It's an action packed thrill ride! Don't let this one pass you by!
Here's a piece of one of my favorite parts:
"You're an amazing woman, Emma Jane. Truly the flesh-and-blood finger of God. You humble me."
"Dude, you've got it all wrong. This isn't duty, This is revenge."
Blog Tour: Earth Angel by E. Van Lowe
This virtual book tour is presented by Bewitching Book Tours.
You can see the entire tour schedule by clicking HERE.
Welcome to The Wormhole and my day on the tour!
I am pleased to present: E. Van Lowe!
Hi there! I'm E. Van Lowe, an author, television writer, screen-writer, playwright and producer who has worked on such shows as "The Cosby Show," "Even Stevens," and "Homeboys In Outer Space." I have been nominated for an Emmy and an Academy Award. My first YA novel, "Never Slow Dance With A Zombie," is a zombie horror novel with a comedic twist. It was a selection of The Scholastic Book Club, and a nominee for an ALA Award.
My novel "Boyfriend From Hell," the first book in the Falling Angels Saga, came out in September and has received mostly 4 and 5 star reviews. "Earth Angel," the second in the series, comes out in December.
I write just about every day. I write all over the house, but my favorite spot is the dining room. It puts me closer to the food. In fact, I'm in the dining room right now (*munch, munch*). Please visit me at my blog, E's blog, where I hold contests and giveaways, and share tid-bits about my life as a writer.
He was gracious enough to offer an interview!
? When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I was ten years-old.
? How many jobs did you have before you became a writer?
Two real jobs. I was a salesman and then a teacher.
? How long does it take you to write a book?
I try to write two books a year, but so far I haven’t succeeded. 8-10 months for a solid draft.
? What would you say is your most interesting writing quirk?
I write in my sleep. Often when I’m faced with a real problem, I take a nap. Most times I work it out in my sleep. Strange, I know.
? Do you have a routine that you use to get into the right frame of mind to write?
Not really. I am a full time writer, so I approach it like a job. I just sit down at the computer, or with a pad and pen and begin.
? Where do you get your ideas or inspiration for your characters?
All my characters possess qualities of people I know—especially myself.
? How do you decide what you want to write about?
Writing for me is like stumbling around in the dark. I stumble around a lot with ideas. I like to live with an idea for a while before I even begin to take notes. When I write, I usually start out thinking I am moving in a certain direction, only to discover that I want to go in a different direction. This happens on almost every project, so I am used to it. It’s my process.
? What books have most influenced your life?
I can’t be sure what has influenced me. I will say Nine Stories by J.D. Salinger had a definite effect on me as a would-be writer, and Salem ’s Lot by Stephen King definitely influenced my desire to write genre fiction.
? What is the first book you remember reading by yourself?
I remember the first book I ever finished. Once I was old enough to borrow from the library, I would take out the maximum number of books because it made me look studious (yes, I was image conscious at 10. Sad) Anyway, my father noticed I wasn’t finished any of the books, even though they had tons of illustrations. He told me the next time I went to the library to take out two books and read them cover-to-cover. I did. The first was Horse On A Houseboat. Good thing I liked it. I’ve been reading (and finishing) ever since.
? What are you reading right now?
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare and The Imaginings by Paul D. Dail
? What do you like to do when you are not writing?
Watch sports in person and on TV. Go to movies, hang out with friends, and play tennis. And reading, of course.
? What is your favorite comfort food?
Pizza—hands down.
? What do you think makes a good story?
I like when characters have flaws and doubts. I like seeing flawed characters overcome their flaws and succeed.
? Who would you consider your favorite author and why?
J.D. Salinger. He was a master at everything that goes into good story telling, including being very entertaining.
? What book, if any, do you read over and over again?
Fun random questions:
· dogs or cats? Both. I love animals.
· Coffee or tea? Coffee
· Dark or milk chocolate? Dark, but if all you’ve got is milk, count me in.
· Rocks or flowers? flowers
· Night or day? Both. Love both for different reasons.
· Favorite color? Red.
· Crayons or markers? Markers
· Pens or pencils? Pens
Book 1: Boyfriend From Hell:
Amazon Product Description:
Book 2: Earth Angel:
Amazon Product Description:
E. Van Lowe's "Earth Angel" is the second book in his series of the Falling Angels Saga. In this story, Megan winds up in a life-or-death battle to save herself, the angel she loves, and all of mankind from unspeakable evil.
You can buy a copy of Earth Angel by clicking HERE.
blog tour
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Blog Tour: Hellsbane (#1) by Paige Cuccaro (Giveaway too!)
This virtual book tour is presented by Bewitching Book Tours.
Welcome to The Wormhole and my day on the Hellsbane Tour! It is my pleasure to present:
Hellsbane by Paige Cuccaro!
A HELLSBANE BOOK - Book One - by Paige Cuccaro
Emma Jane Hellsbane just found out she’s not human—or, at least, not only human. She’s half angel, too, and now Heaven’s got a job for her: round up all the Fallen angels and their red-skinned, horned devil-demon minions and boot their butts back into the abyss. Only problem? The demons and their Fallen masters fight back…and they don’t fight fair.
Luckily for Emma, she can put a stop to the constant threat of having her head hacked off if she figures out which Fallen angel is her father—and then kill him before he kills her. Of course, in the meantime, she’ll have to avoid accidentally seducing her angelic mentor, help an old friend conquer his own Fallen sperm donor, and basically save the world from a cataclysmic divine smack down.
No one said being Heaven’s bounty hunter would be easy. But with a name like Hellsbane, Emma Jane was born for the job.
Loving the blurb!? Here's an excerpt for your reading pleasure:
(taken from chapter one - Hellsbane #1):
Tommy charged from the boutique room into the entryway behind me. He swung his arm, bringing his big sword to his shoulder.
Time slowed. Something behind me growled, like no animal I’d ever heard. I spun around and saw—I kid you not—a great, horned demon.
Spittle sprayed out with every breath from his big, red nostrils and from between his white, pointy teeth. The nice, normal-looking mailman had morphed into a red-skinned devil-thing. There were veins bulging up his thick neck and along his forehead, where his horns poked out from his head like a bull. And he was still wearing the tattered remains of his mailman’s uniform, shoes shredded by cloven hoofs.
Tommy swung his sword, but he was weak and off-balance. The big devil-thing dodged him easily, shoving an arm out to send Tommy flying past me and into the wall. Drywall cracked and Tommy slid to the floor, breathless. The beast charged toward him, and like a deer in headlights, I stood in his way.
Barreling at me, he pulled a dagger from his mail pouch and swung it. I hit the floor, reflexes taking over. When he lunged forward, swinging again, I rolled out of the way. He kept coming, stomping my grandmother’s hardwood floors with his big, goatlike feet.
I snagged the little table under the mirror in the entryway and shoved it in his path. He stumbled into it, then swept it to the side, slamming it into the wall and knocking the mirror off its nail. The heavy frame hit hard, glass shattering across the floor. I turned and covered my face just as Tommy leapt over me.
Metal clashed against metal. I pushed up, scooting backward on my butt, away from the fight. Sword and dagger were swinging so fast, they were mostly a blur. Tommy lunged and swung, caught meat, then ducked back. The devil-thing parried, then attacked, his fat, three-fingered hands wielding the dagger as though he’d been born holding it.
He caught Tommy’s sword arm, slicing flesh, spraying blood, and Tommy yelled, dropping his weapon. He was already injured. It was a wonder he was even standing.
He stumbled back, searching the floor for his sword, eyes wide, panicked.
Where is it? Frantic, I used the bottom of my skirt to grab a big shard of the mirror and jammed it hard into the devil-thing’s ankle. He didn’t even look down, his yellow gaze on Tommy, stalking toward him, dagger dripping with Tommy’s blood.
He reached out, snagged his big hand around Tommy’s neck, and lifted him off his feet.
“Time to die, nephilim,” he said in a gruff voice that still sounded creepily like the human mailman I’d welcomed inside.
Tommy fought in the devil’s grip, kicking at his body, landing blow after blow. He pounded his fists against the thing’s thick red arms, but he just laughed, raising his dagger, ready to plunge it deep into Tommy’s gut.
Where was his damn sword? I scanned the entry, spotted the hilt sticking out from under the crumpled rug. Without thinking, I scrambled over on hands and knees, shoving slivers of mirror out of my path. But when I took a second to glance back at Tommy, a glass splinter jammed into the side of my palm. I plucked it out. Tommy was still hanging from the demon’s stiff-arm, his face ashen, his lips turning blue. He jerked wildly, his gaze steady on me instead of the devil. He shook his head as best he could, his dark lips mouthing, “No. Don’t touch it,” in little more than a hoarse croak.
My fingers found the sword, gathered the handle into my palm. I lifted it in one easy motion. The weight of it felt good in my hand, the round grip settling perfectly into my palm. I raised it to my shoulder like a baseball bat just as a searing white heat burned along my inner wrist.
“Ah, shit!” I ignored the stinging pain and swung. In that brief instant, as the blade sailed toward him, the demon turned as though something about me was suddenly worth his notice. The blade sliced cleanly through his neck. His yellow eyes, with creepy, vertical, black-slit pupils, blinked at me.
“Nephilim,” he said.
And then his head fell off.
The body collapsed, and Tommy crumpled to the floor with it. He sucked breath into his lungs, then scooted backward a moment before the whole of the demon who was once a mailman melted into a big pile of black, smoldering ooze.
I flicked my gaze to Tommy, who was clutching his neck, staring at the pile of gooey devil. I swallowed around the emotion clogging at the back of my throat. “That was not a mailman.”
You can buy a copy of this great story by clicking HERE.
You can buy a copy of this great story by clicking HERE.
You can enter to win an ecopy of this fantastic story by filling out the form below:
blog tour
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Midwinter's Eve Giveaway Hop!
You can get to the tour linky by clicking HERE.
This is stop #123 on the linky ~ stop #122 is Pandora Poikilos - Peace from Pieces (US)
stop #124 is Keepin Up With LDS Retailers (US). You can click on the blog name to go to their stops.
There are over 250 blogs participating in this giveaway hop! Enjoy them all!
This hop goes from Dec. 21 - 27, 2011 - thank you and good luck to everyone who enters!
My prize? Any ONE book ($10.00 or less - US currancy) from either the Book Depository or Amazon depending upon where you live. It is INTERNATIONAL provided The Book Depository delivers free to your location. Please check their site HERE if you are not sure.
How do you enter? Be a follower and fill out the form below.
Stay tuned for my review of Jaded by Keyna Carlton posting later today!
giveaway hop
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Giveaway Blitz! Blood Oath by Belinda Boring (every commenter wins an ecopy)
This Giveaway Blitz is presented by The Bookish Snob Tours.
You can see the entire schedule by clicking HERE.
Welcome to The Wormhole and my stop on the
Blood Oath Giveaway Blitz!
Blood Oath: A Mystic Wolves Novella by Belinda Boring
Someone is trying to send a deadly message to Mason, arranging the deaths of those he loves and it puts the entire pack and Alpha on high alert. Plans are made but when the enemy strikes another painful blow by entering into the heart of pack property and kidnapping Darcy, Mason declares war. There’s nothing he won’t do to keep his future mate and pack safe.
Darcy understands the primal instincts driving her beloved Mason’s commands. With the help of those he sets as protectors, she learns about herself and the things she’ll need to help support her Alpha and pack. When events turn dire however, one truth offers her strength – once given, a blood oath is unbreakable … even if it means risking it all.
Book Buying Links
ALL titles of the Mystic Wolves are $0.99!!!
Barnes & Noble -
Author Belinda Boring: Bio info:
A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self-proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for books on her blog The Bookish Snob. With all that excitement, it wasn’t long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn’t be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes. Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. Happy reading!
For your reading's a little teaser:
“So why not just kill me? If your whole plan revolves around brainwashing him, why prolong it?” I knew I was tempting fate by talking of my death, but I wanted to know—needed to know exactly what we were up against.
“Because I am almost certain your death will utterly damage him, therefore making him useless to me. No, I want him to see I hold all the power, and only his obedience to my commands will keep you with him.”
He looked so arrogant, standing there as if he had it all figured out, but I didn’t point out the blatant flaw in his plan. Mason would never bow. Yes, my death would crush him, but there was an amazing strength and resilience to the man I loved. It wouldn’t be long before he rose and focused his entire attention on seeking justice. I knew love made people do crazy things, and it could also make them feel like they’re buried deep in a pit of despair when lost. But never take from a wolf because eventually they will bite back, heading straight for the throat. Avery was a fool for not recognizing that.
“So now you have me, what do you plan on doing with me?” Everything hinged on this answer.
“Are you eager to part ways, Darcy? I’m hurt.” He held his hand to his heart and slightly bowed his head, a mocking look of distress on his face. “What would you say if I told you I hoped to keep you by my side … indefinitely?”
And now...for the giveaway part...
EVERY commenter wins an ecopy of
Blood Oath!
Here is what Belinda Boring had to say about the giveaway:
"I'm giving away a copy of BLOOD OATH to anyone who leaves their name and email address. They'll be send a Smashwords coupon by me so they can download the format they like."
Thanks for stopping by The Wormhole. Happy reading!
giveaway blitz
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Blog Tour: Fractured Light by Rachel McCellan
This blog tour is presented by Cedar Fort Publishing.
You can see the tour schedule and more information by clicking HERE.
Welcome to The Wormhole and my day on the tour!
It is my pleasure to feature
Fractured Light and Rachel McCellan.
Rachel McClellan was born and raised in Idaho, a place secretly known for its supernatural creatures. When she’s not in her writing lair, she’s partying with her husband and four small children. Her love for storytelling began as a child when the moon first possessed the night. For when the lights went out, her imagination painted a whole new world. And what a scary world it is …
Book Blurb:
I’m dying, I thought. This was unexpected and not at all how I envisioned my death. I was supposed to die gardening in a flowerbed as a hundred-year-old woman, not as a seventeen-year-old trapped in a lake beneath inches of ice.
Llona Reese is used to living on the run. After the Vykens killed her parents, she knew they would eventually come for her too. She can’t take any chances. But when she starts to make friends for the first time in her life, she gets careless and lets her guard down. Big mistake.
As an Aura, Llona can manipulate light and harness its energy. But if she wants to survive, Llona will have to defy the Auran Council and learn to use her power as a weapon against the Vyken whose sole desire is to take her light. Now she’s caught in something even bigger than she can understand, with a power she can’t wield, and no one she can trust, except, just maybe, a mysterious stranger.
My thoughts:
This is a great story. Well written, wonderful characters, nicely paced. The story gets you at the start and holds you until the end! The characters are cleverly created and easy to invest in. The ideas are original and interesting. I love the cover too. I truly enjoyed the story and can't wait for more from Rachel McCellan. Don't miss out!This fantastic story will be published on Feb. 7, 2012 and you can pre-order it HERE.
Make sure that you follow Rachel’s Facebook page and her blog, and visit her website.
Here are some great links for more:
Thanks for stopping by The Wormhole.
Happy Reading!
Here are some great links for more:
Author Blog:
Author Website:
Author Facebook:
Book Poster page:
Publisher Blog
Publisher Facebook
Publisher Twitter!/cedarfortbooks
Publisher GoodReads
Thanks for stopping by The Wormhole.
Happy Reading!
blog tour
Friday, December 16, 2011
Review: Holly's First Noel by Faye Robertson
Holly's First Noel by Faye Robertson
I received this book at no charge in exchange for an honest review.
There is a tour going on at Entangled in Romance! Kick off Christmas with a Holiday Flirt and Ever After! Stop HERE and check out the other blogs participating!
My thoughts:
This is one of those stories that is so well done that you finish reading it wishing there were more pages in the book and thinking that your relationship is crap, no matter how great your relationship really is.
Jackson is that guy we have all dated (some of us married the fool) and regretted it after.
Noel is that guy we have all been dreaming about since we decided that maybe boys didn't have cooties. The characters are fantastic and the story is wonderfully written.
Holly is a woman's ideal image of what they would truly love to be. She is smart, self-confident, thin and sexy, talented, understanding, and of course has perfect hair.
Holly's First Noel is a fun, fast paced love story. It keeps you on the edge of your seat, completely wrapped up in the lives of the characters, hoping for the outcome you have your heart set on. The language is descriptive and the friendship they cultivate is powerful. Well worth the read.
I received this book at no charge in exchange for an honest review.
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My thoughts:
This is one of those stories that is so well done that you finish reading it wishing there were more pages in the book and thinking that your relationship is crap, no matter how great your relationship really is.
Jackson is that guy we have all dated (some of us married the fool) and regretted it after.
Noel is that guy we have all been dreaming about since we decided that maybe boys didn't have cooties. The characters are fantastic and the story is wonderfully written.
Holly is a woman's ideal image of what they would truly love to be. She is smart, self-confident, thin and sexy, talented, understanding, and of course has perfect hair.
Holly's First Noel is a fun, fast paced love story. It keeps you on the edge of your seat, completely wrapped up in the lives of the characters, hoping for the outcome you have your heart set on. The language is descriptive and the friendship they cultivate is powerful. Well worth the read.
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