Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thing 24

I am hoping that this posting turns out alright. I have changed my blog: new template - not sure I like it - I really liked the old one - I may have to switch back - all my older posts are hard to read in the new template and I don't want to go change them all, and really - I like the template I picked last time as much now as I did when I picked it for 23 Things on a Stick. I went through and tried to give my avatar a "Make-over" but was left in the same spot as the template issue - I really like the one I made - the hat sells it for me.

I have registered my blog for More Things On a Stick and we are off and blogging!

Thing 24 ~ Refresh Your Blog

This is so much fun! I have refreshed my blog! I looked through the different layouts and really like this one! I have refreshed my photograph for our viewing pleasure and an rediscovering some of the fun places from the last 23 things! I can't wait to get going with this!

More Things on a stick!!!

I am so excited about More Things on a Stick!!! I can't wait to get started. So this is my first post for the new things. I will post again after I get my blog all refreshed and looking good.