I love to travel so this thing was pretty exciting for me. I started by checking out What Is Travel 2.0 and then started clicking through the sites listed for review.
The travel journal sites are fun, but I don't think it is something I would use. I am a scrapbooker, when I find the time, and I love the idea of the journal - but I am also traditional and truly love the printed pictures and actually writing out the journal. It might be a great way to keep my journal while I travel and then I would be able to use it for my scrapbooking when I got back home. I can't imagine that too many people would be interested in seeing my trip photos, so I don't think I would use Vcarious - although it was fun to look at. I think that there are a number of uses for mapness for the school, I know that many teachers have students plan trips and such, and I like the idea of them being able to interface with their google maps.
TripAdvisor seems to be a great tool. I like how it is a "one-stop shop" so to speak, where you can find flights, hotels, restaurants, things to do, and such. I am traveling to Denver next week and am planning to use this site to find things to do while I am there. The rest of the sites listed under TripAdvisory don't seem to have the options that trip advisor does, and I think that the extras offered by trip advisor are more useful than the hotel review that seems to be the main function of travelpost, Igougo, Gusto, and Virtual Tourist. I suppose I might check out the comments on Boo.com and Sheraton's Share, but I doubt it.
Green Routes is cool - I am always looking for little out of the way places to go. The Taxi estimator is a decent idea, but I have taken a lot of cabs in a lot of cities and no two fares are ever the same. The Wines and Times site was awesome! I would love to take a wine trip sometime! I added the site to my favorites in hopes that sometime I will get to. Hotspotr is a handy one - I am planning to find some places in Denver so I can hopefully continue to work on my things while I am out of town. My boyfriend will love the fast food finder - I am not bookmarking that one! The Travelmashups Awards spot really didn't hold any interest for me.
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