Monday, June 27, 2011

In My Mailbox - This month

What has been in my mailbox this month?

From the authors for review:
Danann Frost Embraces the Darkness by Joanne Valiukas

Rising: Freestyle by Vivian Arend

Dark Rising by Lacey Weatherford

Forts: Fathers and Sons by Steven Novak
Everlasting by Alyson Noel - won at Books Love Me
Bridger by Megan Curd - won at A Tale of Many Reviews
Spider Web by Earlene Fowler - won at Once Upon a Twilight
Accidental Abduction by Eve Langlais - won at Getting Naughty Between the Sheets
The Geek Job by Eve Langlais - won at Karissas Books
*****Thanks so much to the bloggers listed above!!!
Blog tour participation books:
Shifters of 2040 by Ami Blackwelder
The Day the Flowers Died by Ami Blackwelder
A Warrior's Witch by Stacey Kennedy
Save My Soul by Zoe Winters
Raven's Kiss by Toni LoTempio
Replay by Keira Lea
and of course there are the NetGalley books and all the books I have purchased...who ever invented the one click button for Amazon - shame!
I hope you are taking more books off your TBR mountain than you are adding to it! Happy reading!